Just a cute pic of Me and P. My little guy is getting to big, I can't believe he will go to preschool this year. This is the pic I sent my niece Heather she just moved to Seattle and we get to see her in 2 weeks. We can't wait to see her and her baby bump.
We've had so much snow the last few weeks and my kids love it. I'm ready for spring/summer.. My kids had a blast at their Bunna's (grandma's) house jumping in the snow.
I don't love grocery shopping with all the kids, but every once in a while I have to. Yesterday was milk day so we headed out to get milk. They love the little carts but they become little nascar drivers. People are always checking out the boys, I can always tell if there thinking Oh such cute kids or Oh my this lady is crazy for bringing her kids here.. haha
My kids crack me up non stop.. I don't know where they learn half the stuff they do. I sure wish I had some of their energy. Preston cracked me up the other day when he was able to take off his shirt while seat belted in his car seat. He was so proud of himself.
Got the chance to watch the cute neighbor girl yesterday, not only was she a doll but my boys had so much fun with her.. Made me think having 4 kids wouldn't be so bad. Then I realized the 5 hours they were good wouldn't be this way all the time.
Mother to 3 wonderful boys; I've been married to the love of my life for 9 years. I have 9 nieces, 15 nephews, 1 great nephew and 1 great neice!! I'm very close with my family. We love to go camping anytime we can.