Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Happy Birthday Carter

I can't believe my little guy is already 2. How time flies when your running around dealing with kids and working. Carter is such a joy in our life. He is such a little boy and is so full of energy. He is a little fighter and I would put him up against most anyone anyday. He keeps us on our toes and is so smart and learning more everday. We love him.

A fun Toy story dino that he gots on nate's side.

Watch out kids he has a squirt gun.

He is patiently waiting for people to show up. He was so excited to open presents.

My attempted to do a b-day cake for him. It's no Megan cake but it will work for my 2 year old.

1 comment:

Bre said...

So fun!! Happy Belated Birthday Carter!